Student Support Services


The Weldon City Schools Student Support Services department strives to support the growth and development of the whole child.  We collaborate with students, staff, and the community to engage learners in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, healthy interpersonal interactions, and responsible decision-making to increase time in class/school.  By increasing a student’s time in class/school, we increase the opportunities for active student involvement in the learning environment. We aim to ensure that all students are prepared to cope with adversity upon graduation effectively.


sbmh rfp

Through Monday, May 5, 2025, eligible mental health service providers can apply to the School-Based Mental Health Request for Proposal (RFP) supporting the mental well-being of Weldon City Schools' student population during the school day 2025-2026. 



CFNC Financial Aid CFNC Financial aid with student picture

The FAFSA 101 landing page to help inform and guide parents step by step through the FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid).


FAFSA is the First Step to All Financial Aid: With the Next NC Scholarship, most students from households with incomes of $80,000 or less will qualify for at least $3,000/year to attend a NC community college that covers all tuition and fees.


For students planning to go to a UNC institution, you can get $5,000/year that covers more than half, if not all, tuition and fees. And for students going to a NC private college there is a state Need-Based Scholarship for you, too!


December Newsletter


November Newsletter

October Newsletter


As child care providers, you are a vital part in the prevention and intervention of child maltreatment! You may see potential indicators of maltreatment in the children under your care—some children may even be more likely to disclose maltreatment to a child care provider than to a family member—so it is important that all providers are aware of maltreatment indicators and to report any suspicions of maltreatment. Prevent Child Abuse of North Carolina (PCANC) provides free website training that all providers are required to take per Child Care Rules 10A NCAC 09 .1102(g) and .1703(a)(5). 
What is Child Maltreatment?
Child maltreatment includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect.
  • Physical Abuse – generally defined as “any non-accidental physical injury to the child.” Indicators include unexplained bruises, burns, or injuries in various stages of healing; fear of parent or caregiver; shy, passive or withdrawn; apathy; or unusual wariness of physical contact.
  • Sexual Abuse – any sexual behavior imposed on a juvenile involving touching or non-touching, including pornography, suggestive behaviors, or suggestive comments. Indicators include exhibiting sexual behavior or knowledge that is not appropriate for the child’s age, behavioral changes, and physical symptoms in the genital area.
  • Emotional Abuse – expressing attitudes or behaviors toward a child that create serious emotional or psychological damage. Indicators include anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggressive behavior towards self or others. 
  • Neglect – failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision which results in threats the child’s health, safety and/or well-being. Indicators include poor hygiene, increased hunger, unattended medical needs, and injuries or incidents related to inadequate supervision.
Children may disclose to a child care provider because they trust them and feel safe with them. How we respond after a child’s disclosure has a big impact on the child, as well as any potential criminal case that may follow. It is critical to know what questions to ask and when to stop! When a child chooses to disclose potential maltreatment, it is important to gather only the minimum facts necessary to know what happened—and leave the rest up to investigating authorities. Do not attempt to interview the child. Remain calm, be supportive of the child, provide a safe environment, believe what the child is telling you, and do not make promises or assumptions.
It’s the Law!
North Carolina laws require all persons to report suspected child maltreatment to investigating authorities:
  • NCGS 7B-301(a): Any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected, or dependent, as defined by N.C.G.S. §7B-101, or has died as the result of maltreatment, shall report the case of that juvenile to the director of the department of social services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found. You will find a link to the NC Local DSS Directory below.
  • NCGS 14-318.6(b): Any person 18 years of age or older who knows or should have reasonably known that a juvenile has been or is the victim of a violent offense, sexual offense, or misdemeanor child abuse under G.S. 14-318.2 shall immediately report the case of that juvenile to the appropriate local law enforcement agency in the county where juvenile resides or is found.
  • NCGS 110-105.4(a) Any person who has cause to suspect that a child in a child care facility has been maltreated, as defined by G.S. 110-105.3, or has died as the result of maltreatment occurring in a child care facility, shall report the case of that child to the Department. If you suspect a child has been maltreated in a child care facility, report the information to the Division of Child Development and Early Education at 919-814-6300 or 1-800-859-0829. 
Bottom line: not acting on suspicions a child is experiencing maltreatment could result in a child being exposed to additional harm or even death. In fact, knowingly or willfully failing to report or preventing someone else from making a report is a class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina per NCGS 14-318.6(c). You do not need proof that maltreatment has occurred, and you do not need anyone’s permission to file a report; you only need reasonable cause to suspect maltreatment.
Child maltreatment can have long-term effects on a child’s physical, psychological, and behavioral health. Today’s children are future parents, teachers, lawyers, doctors, firemen, law enforcement officers, child care providers, and other community leaders. It’s up to all of us to invest in their future by promoting their well-being physically, socially, and emotionally. You can be a hero in a child’s life!
Contact Information
Geneva Riddick-Faulkner
252-536-4821 ext. 232