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WCS Beginning Teacher Mentor Application

If you are interested in serving as a Beginning Teacher Mentor, please complete and submit your application. Beginning Teacher Mentors must have:

-Professional Educator's License for North Carolina (CPL/full certification)
-At least two years teaching experience
-Recommendation from School Principal
-Leadership experience outside of the classroom setting (i.e. School Improvement, Club Sponsorship, Coaching, Department Chair, Community/Faith-based)
-No rating below Proficient on most recent Summative Evaluation

At which location are you primarily based?*
Answer Required
How many years of teaching experience do you have?*
Answer Required
Please review the WCS BT Mentor contract on the district webpage (Human Resources>Beginning Teacher Support). Are you able and willing to fulfill the responsibilities? (Selected mentors will sign the contract at a later date).*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email